Greeting from Project Leader
March 31st, 2012
We're having wonderful spring time here in Tokyo, and I hope the same for you.
GIARI, Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration, is closing our office today after the five-year-long research and educational activities since June 27th, 2007.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your considerate cooperation and assistance for our project.
Our activities are mainly carried on to the following two research projects; “GIARI: Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration (Leader: Professor Shujiro Urata)” in the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, and “CAMPUS ASIA Support for the Formation of a Core Center" Program: East Asian University Institute (EAUI) for Asian Regional Integration (Leader: Professor Eiji Murashima)”. We also continue to issue “Asian Regional Integration Review (ARIR)”. Please refer to our homepage and related pages for further information.
The publications of 12 volumes titled “Asian Regional Integration Series” (published by Keisoshobo) are to be completed in the first half of the next fiscal year.
Again, I would like to thank all the people involved and all the GIARI members for your support, time and efforts over the past five years. I hope that we may have the opportunity to meet again in the fields of research and education very soon!

Global-COE/GIARI Leader;
Professor of GSAPS, Waseda University,
Satoshi AMAKO