G-COE Researcher

Waseda University Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies(WIAPS), Assistant Professor / Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, Waseda University/ Part-time Lecturer, Tokai University / Part-time Lecturer, Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University
Ph.D in International Studies, Waseda University / Major:International Relations, International Organization, Security, UN Studies
G-COE Visiting Assistant Professor
Political Integration and Identity
- CV
- Miki Honda is Assistant Professor at Global-COE Program of Waseda University and lecturer at Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University. Lecturer at Tokai University. She is also visiting researcher at Asian Human Community and the Organization for Asian Studies at Waseda University. She earned PhD in international relations from Waseda University in 2006. Her specialties are international security, international relations and UN studies. Prior to joining the academic community, she used to be a journalist for The Japan Times, an English-speaking newspaper in Japan. Her recent publications include "UN Sanctions and Their Humanitarian Issues: Searching for 'Smart Sanctions'" (Doctoral dissertation, Waseda University, 2006); "DPRK's 'Nuclear Crisis' and UN Sanctions" in United Nations Studies: The Challenges of the United Nation Charter (Kokusai Shoin, 2008); "Natural Disaster and the Dilemma of Humanitarian Intervention: The case of Myanmar/Burma," Korean Journal of International Organization, Vol.4, No.1 (Dec. 2009, Korean International Forum). She is served as a member of Non-Traditional International Advisory Board of Asia-Pacific Centre of the Responsibility to Protect (Brisbane, Australia), and also a member of the secretariat at Japan Association of United Nations Studies.
Achievements (since 2006 till 2012)
[ Paper ]
- Miki HONDA, The Role of UN Sanctions against the DPRK in the Search for Peace and Security in East Asia: Focusing on the Implementation of UN Resolution 1874, East Asia and the United Nations: Regional Cooperation for Global Issues, Japan Association for United Nations Studies (JAUNS), 2010, pp. 1-20
- Miki HONDA, "Natural Disaster and the Dilemma of Humanitarian Intervention: The case of Myanmar/Burma", Korean Journal of International Organizations, International Organization Forum, Volume 4, No. 1, 2009, pp. 5-18
- Miki HONDA, "Natural Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance in Asia: The Case of Myanmar", GIARI Working Paper, Global-COE, Waseda University, 2009-E-4, 2009
Presentations at international conferences (since 2006 till 2012)
- Oral presentation, Miki HONDA, 2011/03, Consensus and the Challenges of Implementing "Responsibility to Protect", International Studies Association (ISA)
- Discussant, "The United Nations and Responsibility to Protect (R2P)", 2010/12, Changing Global Governance and the United Nations, The 10th Korea-Japan Seminar on UN System
- Oral presentation, Miki HONDA, 2010/11, "Responsibility to Protect and Conflict Prevention in Asia: A Japanese Perspective," Panel 4: Conflict Prevention and Resolution., 4th Annual Convention of the Consortium of Non-Traditional Security Studies in Asia, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
- Oral presentation, Miki HONDA, 2010/03, General Overview of Japan's International Peace and Cooperation and "Responsibility to Protect (R2P)", Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, Queensland University, Brisbane
- Oral presentation, Miki HONDA, 2009/12, The Role of UN Sanctions against the DPRK in the Search for Peace and Security in East Asia: Focusing on the Implementation of UN resolution 1874, JAUNS-KACUNS Seminar on the United Nations System
- Oral presentation, Miki HONDA, 2008/11, "Disaster Diplomacy and the Dilemma of Humanitarian Intervention: the case of Myanmar/Burma in comparision with China", Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Link
- Oral presentation, Miki HONDA, 2008/05, "Concept of Human Security Studies", S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University