Yukiko Fukagawa

Professor, Graduate School of Economics (Major in Applied Economics)
Research Project Leader
Economic Integration and Sustainability
- Research Career Database
- https://www.wnp7.waseda.jp/Rdb/app/ip/ipi0211.html?lang_kbn=1&kensaku_no=4438
- CV
- Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University. She has a long career in studying economic development in Korea and other East Asian countries both as a practitioner as well as an academician. After graduating from Waseda, she worked for Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and Long-Term Credit Bank Research Institute (LTCBR) before joining the faculty member of Aoyama Gakuin University and the University of Tokyo. She has engaged in many consultations for the government, including "Asia Gate Way Strategy Meeting" for Prime Minister Abe. She holds M.A. from Yale, and finished Ph.D. program at Waseda University. She has also studied at Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET), Columbia University, and Korea University, as a visiting fellow. Her recent publication include Korea-Japan FTA: Toward a Model Case for East Asian Economic Integration (co-eds., with Ito, Ahn and Chung, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, 2005) and "Institutional Conversion of FTAs: Towards East Asian Community", in Prospects for Economic Community in East Asia (co-eds., with Urata, Iwanami books, 2007).