Jeet Bahadur SAPKOTA

アジア開発銀行研究所(ADBI) リサーチ・アソシエイト、早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター 客員次席研究員・客員助教
- CV
- アジア・フェロー (RA) 2008年度(春季),2009,2010年度、G-COE客員助教2011年度
業績 (2006年以降2012年まで)
- Sapkota, J. B., Mainstreaming Globalization in Poverty Reduction Stratey Papers in the Asia-Pacific, Development in Practice, Routledge, September, 2011, 21(7): 999-1012, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09614524.2011.591185
- Sapkota, J.B., Globalization and Human Aspect of Development in Developing Countries: Evidence from Panel Data, Journal of Globalization Studies, Lomonosov Moscow University, May, 2011, 2(1): 78-96, http://www.socionauki.ru/authors/sapkota_j/
- Sapkota, J.B., Impacts of Globalization on Quality of Life: Evidence from Developing Countries, GIARI Working Paper 2011-E-1, GIARI, May, 2011, 1-28, http://www.waseda-giari.jp/eng/research/achievements_detail/1075.html
- Sapkota, J. B., Does Globalization Affect Human Development, Gender Development and Human Poverty? Evidence from the KOF Index of Globalization, E-ASPAC Journal, Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast, June, 2010, http://mcel.pacificu.edu/easpac/
- Sapkota, J. B., Globalization's Convergence Effect on Human Development in the Asia-Pacific: Evidence from the KOF Index of Globalization, Asian Regional Integration Review, GIARI, March, 2010, 2: 1- 28, http://www.waseda-giari.jp/sysimg/imgs/20100326_giari_review_2.pdf
- Sapkota, J. B., Mainstreaming the Key Elements of Globalization in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) in the Asia Pacific: A Comparative Analysis between the East Asia and Pacific, and the South Asia (Revised), 2009
- Sapkota, J. B., Mainstreaming the Key Elements of Globalization in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) and Impacts on Poverty Reduction in Asia, 2008
- Sapkota, J. B., Impacts of Globalization on Quality of Life, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany., ISBN-10: 3846594857, 2011, xv+248, http://www.amazon.com/Impacts-Globalization-Quality-Life-Asia-Pacific/dp/3846594857
- Sapkota, J.B., Book Review, Institutions for Regional Integration: Toward an Asian Economic Community, Asian Regional Integration Review, Volume 4 (forthcoming), 2012, http://www.waseda-giari.jp/eng/research/achievements_detail/1120.html
国際会議出席状況 (2006年以降2012年まで)
- Paper, Sapkota, J.B., 2011/05, Globalization and Human Aspect of Development in Developing Countries: Evidence from Panel Data, Moscow, Russia (Globalistics 2011), http://globalistics.org/eng/
- Paper Presentation, Sapkota, J. B., 2010/10, Impacts of Globalization on Human QOL Convergence in the Asia-Pacific betweeb 1975-2005, 12th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association (EAEA), Seoul, Republic of Korea, http://www.icsead.or.jp/eaea/3_Convention2005.html
- Paper Presentation, Sapkota, J. B., 2010/07, Globalization and Quality of Life (QOL): Developing Countries’ Perspectives, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, http://www.aprudsc-2010.ui.ac.id/
- Paper Presentation, (Elected as the Vice Chairman of APRU-Doctoral Student Network), Sapkota, J. B., 2010/07, Impacts of Globalization on Working Condition in Nepal, 11th Association of Pacific Rim Universities- Doctoral Students Conference (APRU-DSC), University of Indonesia, Jakarta, http://aprudsc-2010.ui.ac.id/
- Sapkota J. B., 2010/04, Globalization and Quality of Life (QOL) in the Asia Pacific, Waseda University Doctoral Student Network (WUDSN), Waseda University, http://www.waseda-giari.jp/sysimg/imgs/20100413_wudsn_poster.pdf
- Paper Presentation, Sapkota J. B., 2010/03, Globalization and Quality of Life (QOL) Convergence in Asia: Evidence from the KOF Index of Globalization, Philadelphia, USA (Association for Asian Studies, Annual Meeting 2010), http://www.aasianst.org/annual-meeting/index.htm
- Sapkota J. B., 2010/03, Impacts of Globalization on Quality of Life (QOL) in Asia, Waseda University Doctoral Student Network (WUDSN), Waseda University, http://www.waseda-giari.jp/sysimg/imgs/20100413_wudsn_poster.pdf
- Paper presentation (Best Presenter: 2nd Place)), Sapkota, J. B., 2009/08, Globalization's Convergence Effect on Human Development in the Asia-Pacific: Evidence from the KOF Index of Globalization, GSAPS, Waseda University (GIARI Summer Institute on Regional Integration, 2009), http://www.waseda-giari.jp/eng/events/202
- Paper presentation (Elected as a Board Member of APRU-Doctoral Student Network), Sapkota, J. B., 2009/07, Mainstreaming the key Elements of Globalization in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs): Comperative Analysis between East Asia and the Pacific, and South Asia, Kyoto University (10th Association of Pacific Rim Universities-Doctoral Student Conference (APRU-DSC)), http://www.opir.kyoto-u.ac.jp/apru_dsc/index.html
- Sapkota, J. B., 2009/07, Does Globalization Converge (or, diverge) Human Development in Asia-Pacific: Evidence from the KOF Index of Globalization, Waseda University [Graduate Student Session of Japan Society for International Development-Graduates and Youth], http://www.jasidg.org
- Paper presentation (Awarded by the ASPAC-Esterline Graduate Students Best-Paper Award), Sapkota, J. B., 2009/06, Does Globalization Affect Human Development, Gender Development, and Human Poverty? Evidence from the KOF Index of Globalization , Soka University of America, California (43rd annual conference of the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) - 2009, http://aspac09.soka.edu/Callforpapers.html
- Paper presentation, Sapkota, J. B, 2009/05, Impacts of Globalization on Human Welfare and Poverty in Developing Countries in the Asia-Pacific in Comparison with Other Regions: Evidence from Panel Data , Tokyo (Waseda University Doctoral Students Network-WUDSN), http://www.waseda-giari.jp/jpn/wudsn/pdf/20090512_wudsn_poster.pdf
- Paper Presentation, Sapkota, J. B., 2009/02, Mainstreaming the Key Elements of Globalization in PRSPs in the Asia Pacific: A Comparative Analysis between the East Asia and Pacific, and the South Asia, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Waseda University. Financed by "Support Program for improving Graduate School Education" GP Program. (Multinational Students Workshopon Regional Cooperation in East Asia), http://www.waseda.jp/gsaps/gp/index.html
- Paper Presentation, Sapkota, J. B., 2008/11, Mainstreaming the Key Elements of Economic Integration in the PRSPs in Asia and the Implications for Poverty Reduction, Days Hotels and Conference Centre, "Centre for Agriculture Resources and International Development" (CEFERD), Toronto, Canada. (2nd International Development Conference 2008), http://www.cefard.org/Home_Page.html
- Paper Presentation, Sapkota, J. B., 2008/08, Mainstreaming the Key Elements of Economic Integration in the PRSPs in Asia: Its Impact on Human Poverty Reduction, Global Institute of Asian Regional Integration (GIARI), Waseda University, Tokyo (Summer Institute on Asian Regional Integratio), http://www.waseda-giari.jp/
獲得研究費 (2006年以降2012年まで)
- Waseda University Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Tokyo., 科学研究費:基盤研究(S), G-COE Visiting Assistant Professor, Economic Integration and Sustainability research, 2011, http://www.waseda.jp/gsaps/wiaps/wiaps_outline_en.html
- Heiwa Nakajima Foundation, 民間財団など, Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Scholarship, Fellowship for Ph.D. in International Studies, 2009, http://heiwanakajimazaidan.jp/
- Waseda University Global Center of Excellence (COE) Program, Global Institute for Asian Regional Integration, 科学研究費:基盤研究(S), Global COE Fellowship, Fellowship for Ph.D. in International Studies, 2008, http://www.waseda-giari.jp/index.html
- Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), その他の公的補助金, JICA Scholarship, Scholarship for MA in International Relations, 2006, http://www.jica.go.jp/english/index.html