


「日本、台湾と東アジア-安全保障を中心に-」楊 永明(台湾大学)


Prof. PhilipYang

Professor, Department of Political Science
National Taiwan University


Ph.D., University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA, USA
M.A., National Taiwan University
B.A., National Taiwan University

Recent Publications

2007, "'Woo Tzoo': Current Domestic Politics in Taiwan and Its Impacts on Cross-Strait and US-Taiwan Relations," Harvard Asia Pacific Review, forthcoming.

2006, "The Taiwan That Can Say No: Taiwan's External and Cross-Strait Relations Since 1995," in The Beijing-Taipei-Washington Triangle, Shiping Hua ed., (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006), pp. 113-133.

2006.8, Philip Yang, "Doubly Dualistic Dilemma: U.S.Strategy towards China and Taiwan," International Relations of the Asia Pacific, August 2006, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 209-225.

2006.4.28, "Northeast Asia Security Cooperation:International Relations Theories and Embedded Regionalism,"paper presented at the Third meeting of the CSCAP Study Group on Future Prospect for Multilateral Security Framework in Northeast Asia, Beijing, China.

2006.4.21, "Three-Level Game: Cross-Strait Relations and Taiwan Security," paper presented at the Workshop of Competing Perspectives: A Fresh Look at Cross-Strait Relations, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.

2006.4, "Rise of China and the Cross-Strait Relations,"Tamkang Journal of International Affairs, forthcoming.

2006.3,「東アジアにおけるリージョナリズム:コラボレーションから法制化へ」, 滝田賢治編著 『東アジア共同体への道』東京:中央大学出版部,2006年3月30日),pp. 89-107。



台湾大学政治学部 楊永明教授
「日本、台湾と東アジア −安全保障を中心に−」
Japan, Taiwan and East Asia Security
Prof. PhilipYang, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University

日  時: 2007年12月5日(水)2:40〜4:30 p.m.
会  場: 西早稲田キャンパス 19号館 3階 313号室 
使用言語: 英語および日本語
申  込: 不要、入場自由
主  催: 早稲田大学大学院アジア太平洋研究科、GIARI

