









August 25 (Monday) - August 30 (Saturday)

August 25 (Monday)

  • Opening Remarks
    Satoshi AMAKO (Dean, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Leader of GIARI)
    MC: Shujiro URATA (Professor, Waseda University)
  • Session 1: Society/Culture
    MC: Shigeto SONODA (Professor, Waseda University)
    MC for Presentations 3 & 4: Masato KAMIKUBO (Research Fellow, GIARI)
  • Lecture 1:
    Innovation & Regional Integration: Knowledge Networks
    Dennis McNamara (Professor, Georgetown University)
  • Lecture 2:
    Northeast Asia as a Transnational Space: Regional Integration via Transnationalism and Multiculturalism
    In-Jin Yoon (Professor, Korea University)
  • Presentation 1:
    Floating Local Managers in Japanese Companies based in Taiwan: Network Formation and its contribution towards Asian Integration
    Yasuyuki KISHI (Waseda University)
  • Presentation 2:
    Inter-regional Asian Emigration and the Potential for International Cooperation in East Asia: A Comparative Examination of State Integration Policies in Korea and Japan
    Stephen Robert NAGY (Waseda University)
  • Presentation 3:
    China’s Threat Perception of Japan After the Cold War
    Yi Fu LIN (Waseda University)
  • Presentation 4:
    Transformative Capacity of the State and the Development of Korea’s IT Industry
    Seong Hoon PARK (Korea University)
  • Presentation 5:
    Legacy of the integration past
    Tomonori SANO (Waseda University)
  • Presentation 6:
    Urbanization in Western China: Geographic and Ethnic Situation of Minorities
    Jing FENG (University of Ottawa)
  • Orientation for students (including self-introduction)
    (Yoji OSADA, Kaoko TAKAHASHI, Masato KAMIKUBO)
  • External Evaluation Meeting
    Prof. Dennis McNamara
    Prof. In-Jing Yoon
    Prof. Wang Yizhou
    Prof. Tereso S. Tullao
    Prof. Peter Drysdale
    GIARI Head Office
  • Welcome Party
    MC: Tsuneo AKAHA (Visiting Professor, Waseda University Director, Center for East Asian Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies)

August 26 (Tuesday)

  • Session 2: Politics・Security/Multidisciplinary
    MC: Yasushi KATSUMA (Professor, Waseda University)
  • Lecture 1:
    China's Transformation in its International Behavior and Affections over Asia's Socialization
    Wang Yizhou (Professor, Chinese Academy of the Social Sciences)
  • Lecture 2:
    Evolving a Human Rights Protection System in the Asia-Pacific Region
    Vitit Muntarbhorn (Professor, Chulalongkorn University)
  • Presentation 1:
    Japan, China and East Asian Regional Integration
    Christian WIRTH (Waseda University)
  • Presentation 2:
    Should Child Domestic Workers (CDWs) be Eliminated in Vietnam? Addressing the Tension between the Abolitionist Approach and the Empowerment School of Thought, and Making a Contribution towards the Creation of Child Labour-Free Asian Societies
    Mai Thanh LE (Waseda University)
  • MC: Tsuneo AKAHA (Visiting Professor, Waseda University Director, Center for East Asian Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies)
  • Special Lecture:
    Re-inventing the Idea of an Asia Pacific Community
    Peter Drysdale (Australian National University)
  • Presentation 3:
    State-NGO Relations in China
    Ying LI (University of Hong Kong)
  • Presentation 4:
    From Developmental to Social: Change of States' Role in East Asia
    Ki Tae PARK (Korea University)
  • Presentation 5:
    Regional Integration to Address Poverty and Human Insecurities in South Asia: Problems and Prospects for Mainstreaming Asian Integration
    Md. Shanawez HOSSAIN (Waseda University)

August 27 (Wednesday)

  • Visit to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, led by Prof. Urata and Staff

  • Visit to Sony Corporation, led by Prof. Urata and Staff


August 28 (Thursday)

August 29 (Friday)

  • Session 4: Politics・Security/Multidisciplinary
    MC: Shunji Matsuoka (Professor, Waseda University)
  • Lecture 1:
    Environmental Policy & Environmental Investment in China
    Miao Chang (Assistant Professor, Tsinghua University)
  • Lecture 2:
    Cross-border Human Flows and Human Security in East Asia: Implications for Regional Governance
    Tsuneo AKAHA (Visiting Professor, Waseda University Director, Center for East Asian Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies)
  • Presentation 1:
    Mainstreaming the Aspects of Global and Regional Economic Integration in the PRSPs in Asia: Its Impact on Human Poverty Reduction
    Jeet Bahadur SAPKOTA (Waseda University)
  • Presentation 2:
    China's Commitment in the Creation of East Asian Free Trade Area: An ASEAN+3 FTA or/and an ASEAN+6 FTA
    Ganjar NUGROHO (Waseda University)
  • MC: Tsuneo AKAHA (Visiting Professor, Waseda University
    Director, Center for East Asian Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies)
  • Presentation 3:
    The Migrant Workers' Rights Protection in Asia Pacific Region: Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Far East
    Anastasia V. KOUZNETSOVA (Far Easton National University)
  • Presentation 4:
    Japan - European Union Security Dialogue: Issue of China Embargo
    Olena MYKAL (National Academy of Ukraine)
  • Presentation 5:
    Interpreting HR 4040 as Foreign Policy: China on the Brain of US Legislators?
    Troy Keith KNUDSON (Waseda University)
  • Presentation 6:
    Role of Regional Organizations in East Asian Integration in the Field of Higher Education
    Anh Thuy NGUYEN (Waseda University)
  • Closing Remarks
    Shujiro URATA (Professor, Waseda University)

August 29 (Friday) Farewell Party

  • Farewell Party
    MC: Stephen Robert NAGY (Waseda University)
    Yasuyuki KISHI (Waseda University)


氏名 タイトル ペーパー
Yasuyuki KISHIAsian Regional Integration from "an Elite Employee" in Japanese Companies based in Taiwanpaper [190KB] PDF File
Stephen Robert NAGYInter-regional Asian Emigration and the Potential for International Cooperation in East Asia: A Comparative Examination of State Integration Policies in Korea and Japanpaper [358KB] PDF File
Yi Fu LINChina's Threat Perception of Japan after the Cold War: A Tentative Discussionpaper [205KB] PDF File
Seong Hoon PARKTransformative Capacity of the State and the Development of Korean IT Industry 
Tomonori SANOIdeologies of Integration Past: Universality, Revolution-phobia and Integrationpaper [296KB] PDF File
Jing FENGRegional Inequality of Gansu in China: A Focus on Rural-Urban Income Difference, 1990-2005paper [491KB] PDF File
Christian WIRTHJapan, China, and the Case for East Asian Regional Cooperation 
Mai Thanh LEChild Domestic Labour in South East and East Asia: Emerging Regional Cooperation to Combat Itpaper [534KB] PDF File
Ying LIThe Development of Guilds (Associations) in Wenzhou: A Trend of Relationship between Civil Society Organizations and Statepaper [152KB] PDF File
Ki Tae PARKWorldwide Diffusion and Shift of ISO standards from 1995 to 2005paper [135KB] PDF File
Md. Shanawez HOSSAINRegional Integration to Address Poverty and Human Insecurities in South Asia: Problems and Prospects for Mainstreaming Asian Integrationpaper [203KB] PDF File
Shuli LIUA Comparative Economic Analysis of the Determinants of the Location of FDI in China by Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese Enterprises.paper [519KB] PDF File
Charosporn CHALERMTIARANAEconomic Integration: Relationship between Trade and Financial Integration in ASEAN+3paper [147KB] PDF File
Diganta Kumar DASCreating Hi-Tech Spaces in Hyderabad (India): Networking and Benefitting from Asian Cities
Yang JIANGChina's Free Trade Agreements: Domestic Constraints and International Learningpaper [193KB] PDF File
Feng Ye SUNGender-wage Difference in Japanese Affiliated Subsidiaries in China: a Statistical Analysis Using Intra-firm Personal Datapaper [266KB] PDF File
Nilly Kamal EL-AmirEnvironmental Security and Regional Cooperation Policy in Japan
Jeet Bahadur SAPKOTAMainstreaming the Key Elements of Economic Integration in the PRSPs and the Implications for Poverty Reduction in Asiapaper [533KB] PDF File
Ganjar NUGROHOChina's Preferences in the Establishment of an East Asian Free Trade Agreement: An ASEAN+3 FTA or/and an ASEAN+6 FTA?paper [289KB] PDF File
Anastasia V. KOUZNETSOVANew Role of Labour Unions in the Era of Globalization :Labour Unions and Migrant Workers Protectionpaper [392KB] PDF File
Olena MYKALEU Attempts to Lift the Arms Embargo on China and Security Balance in East Asia: Implications for East Asian Integration Processpaper [271KB] PDF File
resume [239KB] PDF File
Troy Keith KNUDSONProblem Defining the US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act: Perception of China as a Cause and Implications for Asian Integrationpaper [703KB] PDF File
Anh Thuy NGUYENRole of Regional Organizations in East Asian Regional Cooperation and Integration in the Field of Higher Educationpaper [142KB] PDF File

Asian Regional Integration Review (ARIR)

Asian Regional Integration Review (ARIR) 第1号は、グローバルCOE プログラム(GIARI)が主催する「サマー・インスティテュート」に参加した博士課程学生の論文のうち、優秀作を編纂した論文集である。ARIRは、アジア地域統合に関心を持つ院生が研究発表を行なう機会を提供するとともに、GIARIのサマー・インスティテュートの研究成果を内外に知らせる目的をもつ。
