Research Achievements

Economic Integration and Sustainability

Cultivating Talented Individuals:Support Scheme:Investigative Research Assistance (for student)

Jeet Bahadur Sapkota / Investigation Area: Philadelphia, USA


Affiliation: GSAPS, Waseda University
Year: 2009-10 (D2)
Name: Jeet Bahadur SAPKOTA
Itinerary: 03/23/2010 - 03/30/2010(Month/Date/Year)

Destination (Name of city and country)

Philadelphia, USA

Research objectives

The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) is a scholarly organization based in USA, which was founded in 1941. With approximately 7,000 members worldwide, representing all the regions and countries of Asia and all academic disciplines, the AAS is the oldest and largest organization of its kind. With the help of GIARI's investigative support scheme I was able to present my paper in the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC), one of the regional conferences of AAS, in June 2009 and the paper was awarded by the ASPAC Esterline Graduate Student Best Paper Award. As the recognition of the award winner, I was invited by the Council of Conference of the AAS to present my paper in the Annual Conference in Philadelphia in panel no. 250 namely; "New Voices of Asian Studies: Selected Graduate Student Papers from AAS Regional Conferences".

Thus, major objective of this investigative research is to present the research paper, entitled "Globalization and Quality of Life (QOL) Convergence in Asia: Evidence from the KOF Index of Globalization" in the Annual Meeting 2010 of the Association for Asian Studies in Philadelphia.

Research project

This research project is a part of Ph.D. study. The title of the research project is "Globalization and Quality of Life (QOL) Convergence in Asia: Evidence from the KOF Index of Globalization".

Main purposes of this research project are twofold: First, to find out QOL convergence (or divergence) in Asia. Second purpose is to assess the impact of globalization on the convergence (or divergence) process. To achieve these goals, globalization and QOL data of 19 Asian countries covering 1975 to 2005 in five years intervals are used. Applying the dynamic panel data mode, it is found that the QOL in the region is converging and globalization affects to this convergence process.


The research project successfully met its objectives. The paper was presented in the "Annual Meeting 2010 of the Association for Asian Studies" at the Marriott Downtown Philadelphia, USA.

After the presentation there was a lively question and answer session. Many Professors and PhD students from various universities provided very useful and insightful comments and suggestions. Particularly, comments by the panel organizer Professor Mark E. Lincicome at the College of Holly Cross and Chair of the Council of Conferences of the AAS Professor Linda Walton at Portland State University were encouraging.

In addition, grand exhibition of major universities, research centres and publishing houses around the world was very much useful to collect information on current research focus and trends on Asian studies including Asian regional integration studies. Informal interactions in many receptions organized by the organizer and other institutions had been a great venue for sharing information and networking. On such occasions, I was able to disseminate GIARI's activities and information.

Finally, as this all became possible because of GIARI's generous financial support and valuable guidance to conduct this research project, I earnestly thank the GIARI and its considerate team.

Confirmed by person in charge of project promotion

Academic Adviser: Prof. URATA, Shujiro
Sub Adviser: Prof. MATSUOKA, Shunji

